A Veil for the Vanguard, Book 2, Book 3, & Short Stories Progress
I’m back with a new update and I’ll be covering a lot of ground! First of all, I haven’t really been tracking them through the blog at all but there are several short stories in the Aeonlith Chronicles being written. I’m happy to announce that the first one, called The Wizard and Warrior, has been completed! A second short story called The Warden Killer is almost done and just needs a final proof. Meanwhile, I’ve written a third short story with the working title of Pledges and Contracts but that name could change.
On the novel front, I’m excited to report that the first novel is almost complete! Just a final proofreading revision and it’s good to go. Book 2 is nearing the end with only four chapters to go in the first draft but progress has slowed down a bit since I’m focused on finishing book 1.
I’ve also added a new addition to the progress tracker and have updated here: I’m excited to announce work on book 3 of the Aeonlith Chronicles is underway! It’s not even in the outlining phase yet since I do a structural write-up first of basic scenes and chapters but work has begun. I suspect updates on book 3 will probably be sparse for the near future as focus shifts from book 1 to book 2, but it’s nice to add the third to the roster.
Something that isn’t on here is that there are two new book series my mind is trying to wrap itself around. A science-fiction series and a fantasy series, both of which I suspect will be four to six books long. These are low priority but I’ve started poking at them here and there, so I might start doing some serious work on them in the near future. However, that probably won’t be until Aeonlith Chronicles book 3 is well underway, if not book 4, so we’ll see how that shapes up in the upcoming year.
All in all, a pretty packed update this week!
Progress Updates:
I just made progress on A Veil for the Vanguard! So far I’m 50% complete on the Proofing phase.

I just made progress on Aeonlith Chronicles Book 2! So far I’m 92% complete on the Writing phase. 4 Weeks remain until the deadline.

I just made progress on Aeonlith Chronicles Book 3! So far I’m 60% complete on the Structuring phase.

I completed The Wizard and Warrior short story!

I just made progress on The Warden Killer! So far I’m 50% complete on the Proofing phase. 7 Days remain until the deadline.

I just made progress on Pledges and Contracts! So far I’m 9.5% complete on the Second Draft phase.