Aeonlith Chronicles Progress Update

Big updates this week on the series as a whole!

First up is book 1 – A Veil for the Vanguard. Not saying much about this yet as I wait for Amazon to mail me the proof. Once that’s done, I’ll let you all know more about the release! There will be a contest for advance copies and you’ll know more soon!

Next, book 2 – An Abyss for the Ashes update. The second draft is coming along nicely, but a bit slower than I’d like. The reason for this is…

Book 3 – A Tempest for the Tyrants is zooming along at lightspeed! Well, lightspeed for me, at any rate. I’m doing NaNoWriMo this year and it is going swimmingly! Blasted past 12,000 words on Wednesday and am currently pausing to write this update. I could have been farther along but I got a bit sidetracked. With what?

I completed the first draft of A Dagger in Valtan City which is sitting at 4,007 words. This is a short story I intended to write later– in fact, I was planning to write a different short story first– but I needed to flesh out some previous events that happened… before having to explain said events in Tempest for Tyrants. Most of my short stories are written as a way to explore histories of certain characters and events. The overall plot points typically don’t change, but the details tend to come out different than I imagine. And since I’m a stickler for consistency, I have to write these little side stories to make sure everything sticks together.

All in all, a fantastic week for progress! Here’s the current numbers for all these projects:

I just made progress on An Abyss for the Ashes! So far I’m 12% complete on the Second Draft phase.

An Abyss for the Ashes
Phase:Second Draft

I just made progress on A Tempest for the Tyrants! So far I’m 14% complete on the First Draft phase. 21 Days remain until the deadline.

A Tempest for the Tyrants
Phase:First Draft
Due:5 years ago

I just made progress on Short Story: A Dagger in Valtan City! So far I’m 100% complete on the First Draft phase.

Short Story: A Dagger in Valtan City
Phase:First Draft