Aeonlith Sequel and Prequel Progress Update
I meant to post this on Friday but I guess it’s better late than never!
Work continues on the Aeonlith Chronicles sequel novel (An Abyss for the Ashes) and prequel novella (An Overture for the Odyssey). Both books are currently in different editing phases but, funny enough, I think the prequel will cross the finish line first even though that book is still in the second draft phase. The difference is the length of the books where Overture is a 14 chapters long novella and Abyss is a 61 chapter novel or nearly 4.3 times longer.
An Overture for the Odyssey is currently going through a second draft and will hopefully be done soon. Once I finish that it’ll be ready to go to my editor. Meanwhile, my editor has almost completed the first round of revisions on An Abyss for the Ashes which means it’ll be back in my court for another story pass to make sure I’m not missing anything plot wise. I’ve also begun work on covers for both books and I’ll start teasing that at a later date!
What this all also means is that work is about to resume on book three: A Tempest for the Tyrants! I paused my writing of that book while I begun penning the prequel novella as I don’t like to write more than one book at a time. Editing several is fine but writing requires singular focus for me.
Here’s this week’s numbers!
I just made progress on An Overture for the Odyssey! So far I’m 14% complete on the First Edit Pass phase.

I just made progress on An Abyss for the Ashes! So far I’m 89% complete on the Editing phase.