Almost 2/3rds Through An Abyss for the Ashes’ Second Draft!
My editing process is kind of weird on my books. While I work on the second draft of An Abyss for the Ashes, I send chapters out to my editor. So there are actually two drafts going on at the same time. What this means is that while the bar under this message says I’m 38% the way through, that’s a total of both drafts put together.
The second draft is my current priority so I’m nearly 2/3rds through (38 out of 60 chapters) completion and I want to get it done by early February. I plan on taking a week long retreat and focusing on writing a large chunk of book 3, A Tempest for the Tyrants.
Why work on Tempest?
Writing book 3 allows me to seed more stuff into book 2. I’ve already sprinkled in some foreshadowing in my second draft for the third book and it should make for a better reading experience. I still plan on editing Abyss during my off-week, but the bulk of my time is going to be spent getting as many words in for Tempest. After that, it’s back to Abyss for the next round of edits.
Here’s this weeks numbers!
I just made progress on An Abyss for the Ashes! So far I’m 38% complete on the Editing phase.