Almost Lost Some of My Story!
Had a bit of a panic attack this week! Due to my Dropbox account running out of space, my files became a bit corrupted and I thought I lost not only some of my current work, but also parts of my first novel as well! Fortunately, I was able to locate some automatically produced backup files and all my work was retrieved. Phew! So, while some progress was made, it wasn’t as much as I’d like this week because I was dealing with that.
An Abyss for the Ashes is now nearing the quarter mark for the second draft. The better news is that I’m now starting to send pages to my editor! Not sure how I’m going to display the updates for this book from this point since it will probably be going through several different edits at the same time. I guess I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.
Book 3, A Tempest for the Tyrants, is coming along so not much to report other than more words have been written. Nearing the one-third mark for this book by my original estimated word-count… but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s much longer in the end.
Also finished a second draft of a short story called A Dagger in Valtan City. My editor has returned her edits so I’ll hopefully have a chance to go through those next week and do another round of edits. That one is getting close to completion!
Finally, been thinking of writing a prequel novelette for A Veil for the Vanguard. Something that takes place just prior to the start of the novel but I’m not quite sure what the story is yet.
Here’s this week’s numbers:
I just made progress on An Abyss for the Ashes! So far I’m 22% complete on the Second Draft phase.

I just made progress on A Tempest for the Tyrants! So far I’m 30% complete on the First Draft phase. 6 Days remain until the deadline.

I just made progress on Short Story: A Dagger in Valtan City! So far I’m 100% complete on the Second Draft phase.