An Abyss for the Ashes Progress Update
Another week, another bunch of pages have been edited. My editor is almost completed her draft of An Abyss for the Ashes and is just 5 chapters shy of completing the manuscript. So that should be done very soon! All together, we’re about 1/3rd the way through the book with my final three-pass revision process™. I take editing very seriously.
In the meantime, I’ve begun putting an encyclopedia for the Aeonlith Chronicles. It’s pretty bare bones with only two entries but a very detailed article on Kera which you can read here.
Work on the prequel novella An Overture for the Odyssey is on pause (as I intended) until my editor finishes her pass on Abyss. But that’s a much shorter book so it should be much quicker to complete than a novel when we get to it.
So, another week of steady work and am currently on track. Here’s this week’s numbers:
I just made progress on An Abyss for the Ashes! So far I’m 33% complete on the Editing phase.