June 5, 2020
An Overture for the Odyssey Progress Update
Finished the first draft of An Overture for the Odyssey! What a strange, well , odyssey this one was for me to write. Parts of the plot changed while writing it and the finished novella has so little in common with my original intent. There was a lot more “let’s see where this plot thread goes” than I’m accustomed to writing.
Now that the first draft is done, there’s a bunch of editing that needs to happen before I send it off to my editor. I’m hoping that I’ll be done my edits by the time she finishes the rest of Aeonlith Chronicles book 2: An Abyss for the Ashes so we can swap our work with each other.
Here’s this week’s numbers:
I just completed the First Draft phase of An Overture for the Odyssey! Now onto First Edit Pass!

An Overture for the Odyssey