An Overture for the Odyssey Progress Update
The finish line for the second draft is in sight! I’m just shy of finishing up 12 of 14 chapters in this draft of the prequel novella. I was hoping to have it completed by now but there was more editing required for it than I realized. I do need to add an earlier scene for pacing and clarification purposes earlier in the book… but I’m not quite sure what that scene will be about or how long it will be.
Work on the sequel novel, An Abyss for the Ashes, has taken a slight step back with a chapter that needs another quick rewrite before I send it to my editor. I suspect that won’t take more than a couple of hours (thank god!) as it doesn’t need to be reworked from the ground up, I just find some of the character motivations confusing in the chapter. I have no one to blame but the author who is, well. me.
Once Overture’s second draft is finished, work can resume on book 3 and Abyss’ revisions final pass.
Here’s this week’s numbers!
I just made progress on An Overture for the Odyssey! So far I’m 86% complete on the First Edit Pass phase.