Prequel and Sequel Progress Update
I know I missed last week’s weekly progress update but the world has gone kind of bananas and things got crazy around here. With that in mind, you’d think I’d have more free time to work on An Overture for the Odyssey and An Abyss for the Ashes but I’ve actually had far less free time with the current crisis.
Having said that, I have done some progress! My editor has returned more pages for Abyss that I still need to go through and I’m getting behind there but nothing to crazy so far. Overture had the lion’s share of the work done on it and we’re officially past the half-way mark. Only seven more chapters to go (I think) so the ending is in sight!
Here are the numbers for this week’s progress:
I just made progress on An Overture for the Odyssey! So far I’m 57% complete on the First Draft phase. 3 Days remain until the deadline.

I just made progress on An Abyss for the Ashes! So far I’m 72% complete on the Editing phase.