Second Draft of An Overture for the Odyssey Complete!
Last week I was just shy of finishing the second draft of the Aeonlith Chronicles prequel novella An Overture for the Odyssey. I’m pleased to report that it has been complete and is now ready for editing! I’m letting it sit for a bit until my editor completes the edits for the sequel novel An Abyss for the Ashes.
On that front, I have some great news too! My editor has completed most of the chapters for that book so my work on the final revisions has begun. This is to clean up some plot points and really hone the text. Meaning there’s a mix between adding some story, removing some story, and generally refining how the story is told. If you go back through past blog posts,
i’m also just days away from restarting writing book 3, A Tempest for the Tyrants. I’m re-reading what I have already and once the re-read is complete I’ll go over my notes for the rest of the book to get back into the right headspace for the story. I’ve written about 31.7% of the book by my estimated word count but I suspect I’ll go over since these chapters are longer than what I normally write. But that still means I’m within spitting distance of being a third done the first draft.
All in all, pretty excited by the progress! Here’s this week’s numbers.:
I just made progress on An Abyss for the Ashes! So far I’m 27% complete on the Editing phase.

I just completed the First Edit Pass phase of An Overture for the Odyssey! Now onto Second Edit Pass!