Two Books and a Short! Progress Update

Got loads done this week on both A Veil for the Vanguard AND book 2 in the Aeonlith Saga. First up, I finished my edits on Veil before a quick edit by my editor and then it’s off to my beta readers. This has been a loooong time coming!

Book 2 has taken some structural changes as I write. This is normal for me since I have a habit of consolidating chapters and adding more as I write. I also never finished a more detailed outline for Book 2, adding more structural changes, so I’m almost done doing that. Should have it finished by this weekend.

A few more chapters are also in the can for Book 2 after hitting a rough spot. I’m about three chapters behind where I would like to be but, I’ll be honest, I knew I was being a bit unrealistic with my goal.

Finally, finished my major edits for my short story The Wizard and the Warrior and that’ll have to go to my editor before the beta reader process. Been meaning to finish this one as it will be a freebie for signing up to the mailing list.

All in all, pretty good week!

I just completed the Editing phase of A Veil for the Vanguard! Now onto Proofing!

A Veil for the Vanguard
Due:6 years ago

I just made progress on Aeonlith Saga Book 2! So far I’m 91% complete on the Outlining phase. 1 Days remain until the deadline.

Aeonlith Saga Book 2
Due:6 years ago

I just made progress on Aeonlith Saga Book 2! So far I’m 45% complete on the Writing phase. 6 Weeks remain until the deadline.

Aeonlith Saga Book 2
Due:6 years ago

I just made progress on Short Story: The Wizard and the Warrior! So far I’m 60% complete on the Editing phase.

Short Story: The Wizard and the Warrior