February 2021 – Novel Progress Updates

I just made progress on A Sojourn for the Sovereign! So far I'm 84% complete on the First Draft phase. 5 Days remain until the deadline. [mybookprogress progress="0.8445555555555555" phase_name="First Draft" deadline="1612051200" book="6" book_title="A Sojourn for the Sovereign" bar_color="e6c300" cover_image="3127" mbt_book="2701"]...

A Tempest for the Tyrants Progress Update

A quick update. Last month I got pretty sick (not from Covid, so don't worry) and had to take it easy. It's not what I wanted to do but sometimes your body burns right out. Fortunately, I did finish all of my edits on the...

Aeonlith Chronicles Book 3 and Prequel Progress Update

Not a big update this week. Book 3, A Tempest for the Tyrants, is steadily being written although not at a clip to make it to the end of NaNoWriMo with 50,000 words. I'm ok with this as my motivation wasn't to actually hit the...

A Tempest for the Tyrants Progress Update

So strange to be back in the writing mode for these updates! NaNoWriMo has kicked off and I'm using it to get back into writing mode and—well, I'll be honest, the election is turning out to be quite distracting. Nevertheless! Words are being written and...

Finished Editing An Abyss for the Ashes!

It was a LOOOONG time coming but I've completed the edits on An Abyss for the Ashes: Book 2 in the Aeonlith Chronicles! There's still proofreading to be done but the story is effectively in the bag now with only minor word revisions needing to...

Three Book Updates for the Price of One!

Ok, these updates are free, but still! Work on both the prequel and sequel books are going apace and I'm generally on track to meet my deadline goals. As always, I slip a bit behind near Friday with my edits but try to catch up on...

An Abyss for the Ashes Progress Update

Still slightly behind on my edit for An Abyss for the Ashes but I am keeping up to meet my own personal deadline of having all major revisions complete by the end of the month. Each chapter is going through 3 rounds of edits in...

Prequel Novella and Sequel Novel Progress Update

Pretty productive this week! Progress on both the sequel and prequel was steady since last week so quite a lot got done. Currently just slightly behind the schedule that I set up for October but I should catch up on the weekend. All in all,...

Prequel and Sequel Updates

Work on both of these was much slower this month. Granted I did take an emergency vacation last month caused by the sheer weight of the current pandemic but I wanted to be much further along than I am. The time off recharging seems to...

An Abyss for the Ashes Progress Update

So, unfortunately, I haven't made as much progress as I would have liked since the previous update. Life got in the way of editing! Things are still looking good but I wanted to be further along than I am now. Keeping this short so I...