An Abyss for the Ashes Progress Update

Just a quick update for this week. The second draft for An Abyss for the Ashes, the second book in the Aeonlith Chronicles, is coming together along with four chapters that have gone out and come back from my editor. I'm hoping to aggressively work...

December Progress Update: Did Someone Say Audiobook?

This week was filled with work on marketing stuff for A Veil for the Vanguard. The sad part of being an author is how much non-writing work is required! Still more marketing stuff needs to be done but I think everything is pretty much ready...

Almost Lost Some of My Story!

Had a bit of a panic attack this week! Due to my Dropbox account running out of space, my files became a bit corrupted and I thought I lost not only some of my current work, but also parts of my first novel as well!...

Aeonlith Books 2 and 3 Updates and More!

Before anything, I want to make sure you know about the Goodreads contest I'm running! I'm giving away five free signed advanced copies of A Veil for the Vanguard! Click here to enter the contest! Plugging away at the next two instalments of the Aeonlith Chronicles....

Aeonlith Chronicles Progress Update

Big updates this week on the series as a whole! First up is book 1 - A Veil for the Vanguard. Not saying much about this yet as I wait for Amazon to mail me the proof. Once that's done, I'll let you all know more...

A Veil for the Vanguard is Finished!

I can't believe I'm saying this but my first novel, A Veil for the Vanguard, is finally completed! I don't mean just written-- but the layout and all of the extra stuff like maps and the appendix is finished. In fact, I've just ordered a...

Progress Update: Aeonlith Chronicles Book 2 and 3

I'm happy to let everyone know that I started putting words to the page for A Tempest for the Tyrants, the third book in the Aeonlith Chronicles. I really just started as my primary focus is finishing and marketing A Veil for the Vanguard with...

An Abyss for the Ashes Progress Update

Editing has begun on An Abyss for the Ashes! The second draft is coming along at a slower pace than I'd like but it is coming together. Pages are also coming in from my editor for A Veil for the Vanguard and I've spent most of...

Aeonlith Chronicles Book 2 and 3 Progress Updates

The big news this week is I have completed the outline for the third Aeonlith Chronicles book which is now titled A Tempest for the Tyrants! It's currently sitting at 55 chapters which means it might be something around 90,000 words or so. I'm also...